A masonry heater, tile stove, kakelugn or kachelofen - once fired by wood and now connected to the gas network. My second favourite form of domestic heating. And yes, I like it dark - let's turn off the lights and play Art Tatum's version of Tea for Two from 1939 (vinyl, of course) :)
Not my favourite of your photos. It's a good photo but doesn't really excite me but then again, you can't please everyone can you!
The blue stands out very well amongst all the darker shades of brown. I guess this shot is from the back or a side.
I remember these ofens from holidays in the alps. Sometimes they have build-on seats so you can really enjoy the warmth after a day in the snow.
This has no sense of scale near it, and because I have never seen one, I have no idea whether this is a big or a small thing. It seems it makes for an interesting historical shot - or it will one day when it is no longer in use.
I suppose everything can't be beautiful to look at, and of course the beauty of this is the warmth it brings to the home.
Not sure it fits the theme but I'm sure you think it does.
I haven't seen one of these before which makes it so interesting for me.
This one reminds me of dark basement furnace rooms. I'm not sure that I would have associated it with technology but of course,it fits. I did listen to quite a few versions of Art Tatum's Tea for Two but not the 1939 one. None left me cold.
Ahh the technology of keeping warm!
Tea for Two is nice but Led Zeppelins - Tea for One is more my cup of tea.
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