Light novels, dark poetry, absurd plays, baby lullabies, space operas, literature essays or children stories - choose your side or stay in the gray zone. This is over thirty years old Sheaffer-USA calligraphic fountain pen. And this is one strange guy with some great albums: Sufjan Stevens - In the Devil's Territory (from the Seven Swans).
Wonderful image! Easily looks like a professional piece of graphic art for a product advertisement! Interesting take on technology, but it works well!
I'm really enjoying your theme but this is my favorite pic as its so graphic.
'tags160' and 'sgatanstu' are both ME. I've tried to change the name in Google but with no luck. Never mind, this photo is still the tops.
Oh this is too brilliant and clever and graphic!
I love it!!
This is the kind of photo I get excited about. Brilliantly done. 10/10.
This is indeed a very striking photo. I like how the pen somehow brings order within the chaos. "And this is one strange guy with some great albums." I thought you were talking about yourself! ;) I did enjoy Sufjan Stevens.
I love this.. it is so well designed. Could be a page from a magazine or something. I have a pen just like this, I used it on day 22 I think. :-)
Superb shot, I really like it!
I love this design, especially the positive - negative retro-effect.
This one is awesome. I love the totally opposite, but not quite symmetrical look of the splots. The only thing that I think ight strengthen this is to have a reflector at the left to put more of a while reflection down that side of the pen and complete the chequerboard effect a bit more. You got it part way there, but a bit stronger would have been, well, a bit stronger! Very nice stuff.
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